Monday, March 29, 2010

Toes in the Sand

Yesterday Natalie, Jeanne, and I began our video about Derrick. This is a sixteen year old guy here on the island who truly has a talent in music. He mainly plays the six-string bass with a high school band and with a group of older musicians at different places. He played at a place called Crazy Canuks and we danced with our toes in the sand! We went to where they were performing yesterday and talked to Derrick about his music, how he learned, and what he wants to do. His goal is to go to a summer camp at Berkley in Boston this summer in hopes to get a scholarship to go to school there after high school. There is a big group of supporters behind him and he also is a very driven, humble guy. He has been fun to get to know and learn from.

This week while we are out of school we are doing community service on the island. I guess it's not all fun and games! But we are helping with an "Easter Camp" at the library. We read to them and do arts and crafts activities. It was great to see all the parents come by and drop off their kids. I do think that children are valued in the culture here, their education not necessarily, but their overall well being. This has been evident through extravagant birthday parties, family involvement, and the constant love for children. When we get back to teaching I hope to get a better idea of how a child's education is valued, if at all. Americans have such a different standpoint on this so I hope to see more of how the Belizeans feel this!

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