Saturday, March 27, 2010

School's Out!

My first week of school is over! Now we are out for two weeks for the Easter break too bad right? On Wednesday we went to a little boy’s birthday party, which consisted of tents, tables, decorations, fondue, karaoke, plenty of food, and of course a piñata. It was great to see how much effort a family would put into a little boy’s birthday. Friends and family came and of course wondered what all the Americans were doing there. They quickly found out we were teachers and greeted us happily. That’s the key around here- you have to tell people you’re a teacher and they love you and give you discounts.

Thursday was a day for class parties at school. We had Fanta, chips, and dip or queso as we call it! After break we were going a park and I didn’t know where it was, but one thing I did know was that we had to walk on the beach to get there. I loved this class party! We went to park near the toll bridge and the children played in the water and we played games. After plenty of sunshine and laughs we got back in line and walked back to school where the day was concluded with an Easter egg hunt. After that early dismissal I went to my favorite place to eat on the beach Estel’s and relaxed and layed out in the sun.

That night was the Creative Arts Festival at the high school. All the elementary schools and some from other islands came to compete because it’s similar to a talent show. We took tickets from people and sold desserts with other teachers from our school. It lasted for a very, very long time, but we saw some fun dances from the children.

Friday was the last day before Easter break and we did an Award’s Ceremony for all the standards, or classes. All the parents came it could have possibly been the hottest day ever! You know when the locals say it’s a hot day that we Americans are going to die! A rain storm came and rained out the classes presentations of some things they had been working on. My class did all the vowel sounds and made elaborate posters for each vowel. They were so excited to read them for their parents and I got to meet so many more parents in my class. They were so friendly and welcoming of us! We were out for another half day so back to Estel’s we went and celebrated with smoothies on the beach!

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